Terms, Conditions, And Privacy Policy
Updated January 3rd, 2024
1. Services Provided
   1.1 Description: The Coach agrees to provide one-on-one coaching services to the Client to help them get their 1st real estate wholesale deal.
   1.2 Schedule: The coaching program will run for a period of three (3) months, starting from the date of purchase.
   1.3 Services: 
A. The Coach will provide a bi-weekly coaching call with the Client for the duration of the coaching program. 
B. The Client will have access to the weekly group mastermind calls.
C. The Client will have access to the online sales training for wholesaling real estate.
D. The Client will have access to the online private community.
E. The Client will have access to the wholesaling business document vault.
F. If Client actively participates in the coaching program and has not gotten their 1st real estate deal, the Coach will continue to provide services until Client gets their 1st deal.

2. Registration Fee and Refund Policy
   2.1 Refunds: The Client is aware there are absolutely no refunds on the coaching program.
   2.2 Payment Plans: If you register with Company using a multi-pay or payment plan, you are responsible for completing your monthly payments. If your credit card or payment method lapses, we will reach out to you and give you a 7 day grace period to send us your new information. If you do not get your payment method updated during that grace period, your access and membership will be terminated and you will be removed from the program. 

3. Responsibilities
   3.1 Client's Commitment: The Client agrees to actively participate in the coaching program, complete assigned tasks, and provide relevant information necessary for the coaching process.
   3.2 Confidentiality: Both Parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any information shared during the coaching sessions, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing or required by law.

4. Termination
   4.1 Early Termination: Either Party may terminate this Agreement for any reason by providing written notice to the other Party. In the event of early termination by the Client, any fees paid will not be refunded.
   4.2 Refunds: The Coach will not be liable to refund any fees paid by the Client for any reason.

5. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
   5.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Arizona. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Maricopa County, Arizona.

6. Entire Agreement
  6.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties and supersedes any prior agreements, understandings, or representations, whether written or oral.

By completing the purchase, the Client acknowledges that they have read and understood the terms and conditions of this Agreement and agree to be bound by them.

Tyson Smith
Copyright 2024 - Tyson Smith, Iron Elephant LLC - All Rights Reserved
Iron Elephant, LLC
2303 N 44th St
PMB 14-1084
Phoenix, AZ 85008
